Here Comes the Coder Express

This week starts a special week in the world of programming. Each year the first week of December is dubbed the Hour of Code. This special event celebrates student coding across the world and is sponsored by Each year at Pond Cove we celebrate the Hour of Code in a special way. In a typical year, all students K-4 would have in person coding lessons with Mr. Charltray and the week would culminate with the Coder Express. The Coder Express is a family night where students learn to program alongside a family member through a series of apps and unplugged activities.

2020 is obviously different, but through hard work and collaboration the 4th-grade eTeam has created a virtual Coder Express, specially designed for this year. On Wednesday morning, December 9th, all students at Pond Cove, hybrid and remote learning, will receive an invite to a Coder Express Google Classroom. This Google Classroom is loaded with tutorials created by the eTeam to teach students how to use grade level specific coding apps. Students will also find a link to grade level specific games from as well as directions to a series of “unplugged” (no screen) programming activities to do with family members. Finally, students will find a link to a Zoom meeting where they can ask the experts for help. From 3-5 pm, fourth grade eTeam members will be available to answer questions. Of course, as in years past, we encourage all programmers to wear pajamas and have a stuffed animal while they code. 

In order to stick with our theme from years past, we wanted to make sure to offer cookies and hot chocolate to all students who participate in the Hour of Code. Through a generous grant from the Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation, Wednesday morning families who signed up can pick up a Goodie Bag containing all of the unplugged directions and materials and of course a cookie and some hot chocolate. Thank you CEEF for making this happen. 

We all know how important programming is in this new era. Pond Cove is proud to offer coding and programming to our youngest learners in hopes that we are setting them up to succeed with whatever the future holds. Happy Coding to all!