Visiting poet Stephanie Burt, a published poet and a professor of English at Harvard, read from her work We Are Mermaids, and students read poems written in the workshop held earlier in the day on April 28 at Thomas Memorial Library. To quote one participant, "It was a blast."
Above is a photo taken at the evening poetry reading and celebration of the 2023 edition of Gabe Zimpritch Poetry Symposium. From left to right, front row: Hannah Lowenstein, guest poet Stephanie Burt; back row: Laura Giacobazzi, Jim Zimpritch, Lydia Branson, Em Mayberry, Sonia Wold, Zoe Burgard, Hayden Marquardt-Grainer, Liam Nudd, and Lisa Melanson. Ollie Hardin was also present but missed the group photo.
The Symposium is a yearly event funded by the Zimpritch family in honor of son Gabe. More details on the event and poet Stephanie Burt can be found here.