Academic Decathlon Team members (left to right):
Eric Barber, Zoe Evans, Marco Hansel, Swetha Palaniappan, Joey Labrie & Macgregor Francis
On Saturday, February 29, 2020, the CEHS Academic Decathlon Team participated in the 2020 Maine Academic Decathlon held at Scarborough High School. The students had previously taken online tests on Social Studies, Science, Literature and Economics and submitted an essay based on an online prompt. At the live in-person event, the students took online tests in Art, Music and Math. They also presented a brief speech, responded extemporaneously to a prompt and answered questions during a one-on-one interview. The event culminated in a “Super Quiz” modeled on the Academic Quiz Bowl format. The students found the experience to be challenging but enriching. The theme for this year’s competition was Health and Wellness. The theme for 2021 is the Cold War. The team is coached by CEHS Achievement Center Coordinator Joe Wagner.