Seniors Jack Bassett and Genevieve Depke received Citizenship awards at the Western Maine Conference banquet on Thursday evening, March 4 at the Italian Heritage Center in Portland. Principals and athletic administrators at each Western Maine Conference school are asked to nominate two recipients who have demonstrated academic excellence and outstanding citizenship over the course of their high school careers. The awards were presented by Principal Jeffrey Shedd and Athletic Administrator Jeffrey Thoreck.
The descriptions of Jack and Genevieve that were shared at the banquet were as follows:
"Best known as a state champion runner, Jack tenaciously pursues his goals while leading others with kindness. He once hiked nine Presidential Range peaks in fifteen hours. He is a strong student, National Honor Society president, and mentor for others. He tutors students in math and serves as a role model to ninth grade students in our Freshman Academy class. We will miss Jack but are confident he will achieve his goals while doing good!
"With a passion to make the world a better place, particularly for girls overseas, Genevieve championed bringing the film 'Girl Rising' to the entire CEHS student body, including organizing and facilitating a wonderful, followup panel discussion. An avid photographer and strong student, Genevieve is active in World Affairs Council and serves as a Natural Helper and elementary school student mentor. She is a two-time XC team captain. We will miss her relentlessly positive, difference-making presence!"
Congratulations to Jack and Genevieve!